Efficient Frontier
William J. Bernstein
What's Cheap
Below are the valuation numbers for the major global asset classes, as sampled from their respective index funds. The 12/31/98 NAVs are presented in the first column as reasonable guides for adjusting these parameters for subsequent price changesif the NAV declines by, say, 20 percent, then the PB, PE, and PC will also decrease by approximately the same proportion, at least over the next several months.These numbers speak (nay, scream) for themselves, and are offered without further comment.
Fund Name 12/31 NAV 12 Mo Ret 3 Yr Ann'd 5 Yr Ann'd 3 Yr SD P/E Ratio Div Yield P/B Ratio P/C Ratio Cap $MM Am Cent Gold 5.52 -12.18 -20.64 -14.58 41.84 29.7 0.88 2.6 16.2 2251 Am Cent Nat Res 10.58 -6.3 3.5 - 17.1 27.3 1.73 2.7 11.4 27708 DFA Cont Sm 15.38 19.55 15.15 11.13 14.49 20.3 1.69 2.6 9.1 429 DFA Em Mkt 8.3 -9.43 -6.47 - 27.1 19.9 1.12 2.9 9.6 2040 DFA Intl HBM 13.79 14.96 6.34 7.83 15.87 24.8 2.07 1.9 9.5 10198 DFA Intl SCV 7.18 5.27 -6.35 - 13.88 19.8 1.99 1 9.3 223 DFA Intl Value 11.99 14.87 6.25 - 15.86 25.5 1.92 1.8 10.1 6533 DFA Japan Sm 8.85 16.06 -26 -12.74 26.39 30.5 0.71 1.2 10.3 228 DFA Lg Cap Intl 16.5 18.21 9.88 9.57 16.29 29.9 1.56 5.1 13.4 28499 DFA Pac Rim Sm 6.14 -19.08 -18.78 -14.47 28.99 17 3.6 1.2 10.9 162 DFA US 6-10 12.93 -5.51 11.37 12.15 22.97 23.2 2.7 3.4 17.1 372 DFA US Sm Val 17.93 -7.3 14.03 14.18 20.14 19.8 1.73 1.7 12.4 280 DFA US 9-10 10.76 -7.32 10.21 13.17 23.01 21.5 1.4 2.9 15.7 137 DFA US LCV 19.76 11.98 19.93 17.9 20.98 18.3 1.49 2 10.4 7874 DFA US Lg 36.33 28.68 28.06 23.86 20.37 32.7 1.18 8 22.3 56951 DFA UK Sm 18.11 -11.18 6.08 6.71 13.4 13.3 3.83 3.2 10.9 182 DFA REIT 12.13 -15.38 10.56 6.78 14.19 23.3 5.36 1.4 17 1518 Schwab 1000 Inv 33.51 27.16 26.82 22.72 20.41 33 0.75 7.9 23 45554 Schwab Intl Idx 15.27 15.85 10.7 9.98 16.29 29.3 0.88 5.1 13.7 25037 Schwab Sm Cap 16.25 -3.57 11.86 11.61 21.79 23.8 0.32 4 17.2 706 Scudder Latin Am 17.73 -29.7 5.8 -0.65 34.61 16 2.01 2.1 9.8 3780 Vanguard 500 Index 113.95 28.62 28.16 23.96 20.46 32.9 1.16 8 22.5 57109 Vanguard Emg Mkt 7.91 -18.21 -7.6 - 27.82 17.6 3.29 2.8 12.2 4315 Vanguard Energy 18.42 -20.53 6.95 8.57 23.47 24.1 1.86 2.4 7.5 5432 Vanguard Europe 25.28 28.86 24.74 19.32 17.46 29 2.05 5.9 13.4 29219 Vanguard Ext Idx 30.62 8.32 17.31 16.24 22.69 27.7 1.14 4.8 20.5 1635 Vanguard Gold 6.61 -3.91 -16.48 -12.05 34.7 31.5 1.36 2.5 18.4 1290 Vanguard Growth 31.67 42.21 33.87 27.79 22.32 40.2 0.69 12.1 28 97635 Vanguard Pacific 7.84 2.41 -11.14 -4.01 19.11 33.1 0.83 2.4 12.2 12513 Vanguard REIT 11.08 -16.32 - - - 23.3 7.31 1.3 16.6 1556 Vanguard SCG 9.53 - - - - 27.5 - 5.4 22.6 1021 Vanguard Sm Cap 21.2 -2.61 12.75 12.92 22.45 23.1 1.34 3.8 16.8 671 Vanguard SCV 8.74 - - - - 20.1 - 1.8 11.9 533 Vanguard Utilities 16.54 21.83 17.07 14.48 11.97 23.6 3.36 3.2 11.2 7180 Vanguard Val Idx 22.51 14.64 21.91 19.79 19.48 23.9 1.54 3.4 15.6 24073
copyright (c) 1999, William J. Bernstein